>>1011172 you need to realize what is the cause and what is a good solution. then train and prepare and test.
like for example with the girl in the in the video:
read up on the issue, watch a youtube video guide, ask people, look for a proven technique or solution that you might not come up with on your own.
than go with ya friends / dad (so they can help and laugh at you) make a picnic in the wilderness,
dump your bike on the side
practise lifting up, then again in bike clothes
again with nothing and with stuff try to improvise
same shit now in the dark and wet conditions.
now same shit with loaded gear, and in a bad angle like lifting it up hill. or bad terrain like a bush or sand, mud.
then extrapolate from this issue, and train and test further. like what is it like to walk in bike gear for 5k is it too hot or cold? Blisters? Range of movement? is it better to change clothing and boots? or is it fine.
this might not help you lift up the bike at all and you might be fugged either way, but it might help you keep calm. you already have some experience no/limited surprises. Thus combat fear of falling with you bike.
you should do this for every piece of critical gear, maintenance, health or other possible problem. and also prepare for the unexpected by training the right mindset. learn mental crouches even simple stuff like this acronym: S.T.O.P. P. Stop Think Observe Plan Proceed that might help with stuff you missed.
fear comes to some extent from being exposed, helpless, hopeless, therefore skills, experience and gear combat this to some extent.