Quoted By:
>turboautism inbound
Thinking about going off grid in a national forest way off the beaten path near a stream.
I plan on having a garden and hunting/fishing for meat. I'd only go into the city to trade furs and crafts for money so I can buy necessities like medicine, bulk food (as a supplement to my woods diet.) and hunting/fishing permits.
I have a few hundred bucks in monthly income from dividend stocks. That I can maintain from my phone with a solar charger in case I need anything major.
Even if I do this for a few years I'll have a decent chunk of money if I decide to rejoin society.
Ask me questions or let me know if I should add something to my camp set up.
(The big brown scribble is supposed to be a hill. I would try to find a little cove to build my camp in to add stealth and protection from the elements...And no I wont build in a wash.)