>>2494394>Do not listen to this retard that probably doesn’t fly fish, you do not want a 1 or 2 piece fly rod.Different guy, been fly fishing since the 1990s, inherited my late father's rods. I have no issues carrying two-piece rods in my Hyundai sedan, even 9ish ft. rods in their aluminum or PVC tube cases.
Nor do I have any issues carrying them, including through brushy backcountry. As a matter of fact, because they are in two pieces, I can easily break them down and carry them this way:
>hook fly to top eyelet, reel line in snug, then let it out a bit and separate rod halves>"fold" top half of rod down so that it's parallel with bottom half, fly near reel seat>transfer fly to staple near reel seat>carefully reel the line in snugThis takes fifteen seconds (and less than that to re-read), and I can now walk with the halved rod gripped in my hand as-is, or hook and loop/black tape/rod sock the bundle for comfortable carrying anywhere, or lazy car transport.
I know you can't do this with a four-piece, certainly not in fifteen seconds. Not that I'm bashing four-piece rods as they're the best for being compact for your home storage, lashed on a fishing backpack, or as airline carry-on, but in the actual field two-piece is superior, not in terms of fishing performance, but for carry-and-deploy logistics.
I actually do fly fish by the way. I don't video myself fishing like a zoomer, and I'm at work right now so I can't post my setup, but here was dinner one day last weekend.