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in my pocket I keep a repurposed soviet ai-2 kit as my "booboo kit" I keep steri-strips, several inches of duct tape rolled up to the size of one of the bottles, tweezers for ticks, baking soda for stings/bites, benadryl for bad bee stings and to crush and put on paticularly miserable mosquito bites as a paste, the tall vial filled with rubbing alcohol, some painkillers, three bandaids rolled together, two spare vials for personal medication(one used to be for a clotting agent but I honestly found it to be more of a pain in the ass than it's worth), and a 3x3 gauze pad folded up on top. for a longer trip I usualy keep a cut down roll of ace-wrap, a pair of larger gauze rolls, a 1oz keychain flask of rubbing alcohol, and small tins with extras of everything listed in a little cloth bag near the top of my pack. I also carry a TQ, chest seal, and israeli bandage when traveling with a rifle or durring hunting season(I should be carrying that always since the state land I usualy get /out/ on is popular for target shooting and poaching anyways). I usualy have a shemagh or two so that covers triangle bandages and splints are easy to fashion. this has been good enough for 99% of my outings, but if youre traveing with a group, or over more intense terrain you'll want way more, also electrolyte tablets/mixes are a good thing to carry especaily in the summer / if youre bush drinking. it realy depends on what youre doing and where though