>>1165031As far as trout, visibility is a big thing. I like sight fishing for trout in clear water, but once I only brought my basics fly box and I kept throwing the same dry that was as close as I could get you what was hatching, it would rise up, look at it, and turn around. This went on for a half hour. After getting pissed off it moved downstream a couple yards to were the tail of the pool was, and it was a little chopy water. My first cast I got him on the same fly that he turned down about 20 times before. Pic related.
Similarly, I was fishing for steelhead in clear water with a bright rapala. The same color was killing them the week before when the water was stained. I switched to a natural shad color and third cast I had one on. So clear water may not always be your friend. That being said, I've caught fish with out of season bait. At least have something for everything, but you don't need ten sizes for each color, 500 colors, a huge file cabinet full of tackle. You catch more fish if you go fishing then you do in the line at Cabela's