a large amount of disturbance has entered the scene!
we have two players, private timber, and the government. let's observe their historical responses to massive wildfires
>private timber>replants affected areas rapidly before the hardwoods cover the entire area with brush and make it impossible for the normal conifers to seed in>remove invasive species from the regenerating area>continue to maintain water and soil quality>follow up with non-commercial thinnings if there are too many trees that survive the initial state of competition before canopy closure occurs>forest looks completely fine within 10 years>government>does nothing, allows land to regenerate naturally>landscape is so large that no plant can ever hope to seed in far enough>margins become covered in huckleberry, tanoak, and manzanita>every year the hardwood brush grows bigger and encroaches into conifer land further>eventually the landscape is now covered in choking brush that dies and creates more fuel for the next firenow, the private timber company actively managed their land, and the land is now indistinguishable from the non-disturbed land. because we understand many of the mechanisms that occur in forests, and can actively assist forests to speed up the process.
humans have ALREADY interfered with natural processes for forests everywhere on the entire planet. sudden oak death, pine beetles, wildfires, floods, all of this shit it not normally so widespread. but we spread it. and it's too late to stop it. you can't stop the fires, any more than you can make it rain.
knowing this, if you choose to just suddenly take away all of the support given to the forests, they will ALL turn into the poorly-managed forest you see. because what is there to stop that from happening, outside of people trying to manage the landscape?
>tl;dryour soviet shithole country is bad at managing forests and you are retarded, suck my tiny shameful cock