>>1648818[nightmare] you literally just get off the train or bus and let yourself be approached (unless you look really fishy) by older folks looking to offer you 'cazare' (accommodation), you pay as little as 5-10 euros a night usually for rooms in their house that belonged to their children who have left for the city, you'll most likely not understand each other at all (at least until they offer you some local plum moonshine that gets the hands gesturing and the conversation going), hosts may offer you the option to pay a little and cook you some food, you'll never actually be bothered or even see them (being offered cups of homemade yogurt or the such doesn't count), other than that, you're absolutely on your own
older people are generally more reluctant to rent to youth foreigners, though, because it's them that usually leave the most mess behind, are spoiled and have less common sense and aren't even used to taking their shoes off indoors, besides it's not like they could hold them legally responsible afterwards since technically they should also declare their renting income and pay taxes
anyway, rule of thumb is the farther away from the slope/city center and less accessible to foreigners it is, the cheaper it gets
as i said, there's plenty of foreigners that come to visit, so do research the internet for their impressions because there surely must be guides and tips written after they've returned