>>1881454Ive been back country camping in grizzly territory for 20 years never had an encounter with one, black bears sure but they don't give a fuck about you.
I see grizzlys on the highway all the time and around the CP line (eating grain that leaks out of the hoppers) but other than that they stay out of your way if you stay out of theirs.
Shout or sing as you hike, the human voice will do more to keep animals away than bells, bangers or sprays. keep your spray at the ready, it does you no good if it's in your pack,
and guns will help you feel safe but probably pointless in reality. even shotgun spread is gonna be tight and require pretty good aim while you are shitting yourself, while spray will go pretty much everywhere within a 10-15 foot radius.
cougars are the real scary shit, they are stealthy and attack from behind so guns and spray are probably shit, keep your knife handy because you gotta fight with everything you have and hope it doesn't get an artery