>>2210826>Why not just a boat?A boat is mostly designed for transportation, to move through the water efficiently, and to have the option of avoiding a storm or returning to port. On the other hand, the kind of platform I'm talking about would be designed to be largely stationary in deep water and weather storms, high waves, etc. rather than avoiding them. Just different design priorities
Honestly a submerged habitat also sounds really cool, but the issues of providing oxygen and dealing with eventual decompression issues and safety problems seems like more trouble that it's worth.
>>2210796>I don't want to die when my house flips on its head in a storm.Are you familiar with the RV FLiP research station? Controlled flooding of lower decks makes it "flip" into a vertical position where it's incredibly stable so it can be used for complex scientific experiments with sensitive equipment. Some floating oil platforms use a similar principle. Often called a "spar" hull