>>274973>But if you want to get into legit knife making you have two choices , both expensive as all fuck.pls sop.
With a little time, brains and patience, making a legit knife with either of those methods doesn't have to be expensive. I made a coal forge out of an old lawn chair and a hole in the ground. I used a chunk of railroad track I found for an anvil. It sucks and it's inefficient as fuck but it works and I've made what I think are some fairly respectable pieces with it.
A bandsaw it a great timesaver and when I can afford one, I'll get one. For now I use a $40 angle grinder. Belt grinder? Try belt sander. new you're looking at $100 tops. It's slow. It works. You can make do with a hand drill, but I would recommend saving up for a drill press. You have to find ways to work with what you got. Pic related, what I can do with the above tools. O-1 with ipe handle
Also knife makers post pics plos