My doe had babies pic related today
>>1841658Also, I wanted to add... I read of a breading rotation using 1 buck and 3 does. On the first day of the month, put 1 doe in with the buck in shared space. Move her back to her own space on the 25th day with a nesting box. She should kindle by the end of the month but you move her before hand in case she kindles early. First of the next month you do this with doe #2 and then doe#3 the month after that. Then when it is doe#1's turn again, her kits will be 8 weeks old and ready to wean. Put doe#1 in with buck and move the weaned doelings/bucklings to growing hutches, keeping the bucks and does separate so they can't reproduce before you are ready for butchering. Once you have this going, you will have rabbits to butcher every month.
I only have 1 doe right now... I will probably expand to a 3-doe system after I get a little more experience.