>>2720063Nice. Try adding biochar and a mycorrhizal to your soil next time. You should look into vermicomposting too. I had an AI draw this for me since I can't draw for shit. It's a worm tower made from cheap food storage containers. The pan is to collect leachate that drains out and the bottom most container should be filled with charcoal and the sides and bottom should be covered with tiny holes (~1/8"). The bottoms of the other containers should have larger holes (~1/4") so the worms can move up to the next layer. You don't use the lids, but the AI wasn't quite sure what I wanted from it. Fill the container on the top halfway with shredded paper, add in your food waste, and when it's full take the container second from the bottom (the one right above the charcoal), dump it out, and place it on top. If there's still worms in the lower container then you need more layers.