>>2518220They are decent in comparison to EU norm - lots of red tape to get loicense, but after that you can get basically anything that isnt full auto or anti tank. Folding stocks, short barrels, hicap mags, suppressors - no problem so far. Sporting, collecting and hunting licenses are most common.
There is a loophole for carrying handguns if you have a sporting license. Getting license for self defense purposes is nigh impossible unles you are well connected. Blackpowder firearms and their ammunition are license free, which makes them very popular among prepperfags and boomer cowboy afficionados - there are estimates that something like half a million of them were sold since 2008.
Still not many people own modern firearms, because its an expensive hobby in comparison to wages and also average normie from 1940s to early 2000s was being conditioned to associate them with criminals and glowies. But shooting and tacticool larping get increasingly popular for obvious reasons.