>>971506Sit back, take a deep breath and start thinking of the logistics of human survival. Globally humanity is on track for a major population correction by 2100 at the latest.
Mine-able phosphorus deposits are all but exhausted meaning that crops will not be able to be supplemented.
As the population grows so does the demand for meat which is entirely unsustainable, it puts even greater strain on a system that is already breaking down.
As the foolish first world attempts to drag the third world forward for a fleeting sense of superiority and self righteousness they are only signing off on the death of most of humanity.
Ocean acidification and over fishing will ensure that the most depended on stocks of fish go extinct as they are already too over exploited and facing environmental changes they cannot adapt to.
The natural resources first world countries use and exploit do not scale to even the current population. There is simply not enough to go around and bring humanity up without destroying it in the process.
Get fit, get self sufficient, only have children if you are comfortable with knowing that in a few generations they will likely suffer immeasurably and perish like the dogs humans are.
Enjoy a front row seat to the end of society. If you are so inclined you can also contribute. Waste resources, spread disinformation, encourage excess.
There is no escaping the balance that nature will find again when man is brought to his knees and potentially added to the many species gone forever.
The universe won't bat an eye and neither should you.