>>19921America is a complete anomaly where gun crime is concerned. The comparison with other western nations does not stand. None of us europeans know what gun crime is in comparison. I might add that the handgun ban in the UK did nothing to reduce gun crime, infact it rose year after year for 11 years after the ban.
Gun crime in america is dropping, and gun ownership is increasing, I knwo this ruins the narrative of the statists who desire an unarmed population, but the realities are that the crime in america is a black and hispanic phenomena.
Just look at the murder stats from chicago, chicago is useful as the white, hispanic and black communities are pretty much equal in number, yet if the blacks and hispanics were removed then gun crime (rape, robbery and aggravated assault too) would drop by at least 90%.
America has huge problems with crime, it does not have a huge problem where legal ownership is concerned.