Quoted By:
>Be sailing on a tug a few years back pulling a jack-up barge from France to the north of England
>sail past Southampton
>bloody WAFI cunts everywhere
>not giving us a wide berth
>crossing the tug's vector to a rediculous degree
>generally not understanding that their shitty little sail boat can cause millions of damages if they try crossing the tow line
>Have to blast the horn so these piss heads keep clear
>Be working in a wind farm last month in England
>Secondary works on an extension
>coastguard warning all ships of an under=sea cable being exposed in the area we're working in
>cable layer setting up a mile wide exclusion zone while working in our area
>wind farm itself considered an exclusion zone
>fucking WAFI sails right through it, not a care in the world
>Slipper speeds right up the WAFIs ass while I'm on deck, trying to tell the cunt he has to GTFO
>no reaction
>Skipper on boat mic yelling at the WAFI that he'll be fined up to £40,000
>slowly saily out the farm, with us escorting him the whole while
>added an hour to what became a 14 hour day
>be last week
>sailing from Ijmouden to Dan Helder on a CTV
>sail past an sealife preservation zone
>absolutely zero access for undesignated vessles
>take a look out the starboard window as we pass
>bloody WAFI sailing right through the exclusion zone
Wind Assisted Fucking Idiots, the lot of ya. Learn how to read an alminac once in a while ya cunts!