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So I was half trolling and half serious in a trapping post I made on /k/ and got sent here. I'll copy/paste.
""So one day I want to hunt.
But I am a lazy bastard. Ironically I'm also impatient.
So I was thinking about traps. Naturally it's controversial, because of humane harvesting and danger to humans.
So I got an idea.
A "friendly" bear trap device. Something that at worst would bruise a human leg, and at least give it an "Indian sunburn".
Behold my pic! I used the RB6 Frost trap because its square and not circular.
The red lines represent where there would be no metal. Instead something like an engine drive belt cause they are flexible and have teeth. The metal parts in blue would overlap ensuring a very tight fit of the flexible red lines. The yellow line is a hinge which are a one way ratchet, maybe with 9000 teeth to ensure its as tight as possible.
The trap can have a code on it only humans can understand, like.... Words on how to free yourself.
So, whatcha think?
Humane, doesn't break skin or bones, etc. I'm just worried about animals chewing through the flexible jaws so should I add a smoke grenade laced with sedatives? Can opium be air dispersed? Lots of that around here. A mix of opiates soluble in propylene glycol in a soup can and a road flare under it that ignites when the trap is triggered!!!
Guys I think this is genius. ""
OK so my meme shitfest aside and intentionally stupid wording, would this idea work?
Motor belts have teeth and last millions of engine cycles. They are tough as hell.
I used a video game trap because it has two jaws instead of one which would keep the animal from slipping out because of extra overlap.