Quoted By:
>Nikon D90
My big camera. Excellent at night. Remote release, intervalometer, and assortment of glass make getting shots easier. However.... expensive, heavy, big. Whether I take it or not depends on a lot of factors.
>Sony DSCH2
Older bridge camera. Some features of a DSLR, without the cost/bulk associated with one. M/A/S/P, which is nice. Since it's a relatively inexpensive yet capable camera, this one goes with more often than not and some of my best shots have been with this camera.
>Contour Roam
Stuck to my helmet. Slide the switch forward to record, then just look at something to take a picture of it. Slide the switch back to stop. Usually set it to take a 5mp photo every second, and it does fairly well. Decent video too, but I don't have the patience to sit and edit 32GB of POV shots. Lets me get pics I couldn't get with any other camera.
For when I leave my P&S at home. Might take a shot or two with this, but chances are if I left the P&S at home, I'm focusing more on riding than taking pictures.
For the Nikon or P&S. Tree stumps, my bike/sled, fence posts, rocks... anything becomes a tripod. Small and light. Worth the money. I have a chinese knockoff g'pod with a hot-shoe fitting I machined that I use with my speedlights.
Pic related, ~1min shot of me last summer with my headlamp. Nikon on the g-pod on a rock, intervalometer for the timer (red light on the rock at the bottom right is from the little indicator on the timer).