>>1987880This is where shit get really fucked. The Maori woman that I saw was obviously blamed for the attack by the moa hunters from what I had seen, and I figured she must've been killed, but the way that they did it was so horrible it makes me sick and angry. According to the legend (source: same article):
>People here saw her as imposing their [Whaita and Waerangi] mana on them. They could see a loss of the area with more people coming in. They murdered her and made it look like an accident
>But the woman, most commonly thought to be named Kiroukore, had a slave. He discovered Kahupungapunga's treachery and carried the news back to Kawhia. The Raukawa hapus were furious and, that same day, gathered together a war party 500 strong. The warriors moved across the land, conquering several pa as they went. Finally they met the Kahupungapunga in a battle called Taurianuku
It doesnt say how she died, but there's a bit later on that stirred my memory:
>The pursuers crossed the stream to Pohaturoa, each party fought valiantly, the Ngatiwairangi were several times repulsed but in the end they drove back the others and captured their great toa [fighting chief] Hikaraupi. The great stones on which the bodies were cooked can be seen still
The rock in question is pic rel. It has many legends to its name, but one is that it was used to cook alive a Maori Princess. When i touched her hand all the skin on her had been stripped away and her bones were shiny like they'd been boiled. Why they boiled her avile insteaad of outright killing her i dont know, but as far as I care those cunts got what they deserved for what they did to her.
I think that the things that were stalking us in the grass where the spirits of the Moa Hunters, and the spirt of the Princess had so much mana that they were afraid of her when she led us out.
Regarding the fantails, they are held by maori to be bodies that dead spirits can inhabit. I think they were dead maori spirits protecting us.