>>955792How can this be a simple blood test shows if you have Lyme disease or not. European healthcare is crazy shame we're going the same route.
Also there are online pharmacies where you can buy amoxicillin with no prescription. Take 1000mg a day for 20 days and it will kill off that bacteria quickly to the point where your bodies immune system should keep it supressed. If you have a flair up just buy some more antibiotics. Only thing you have to worry about in well your liver and kidneys straining on the pills.
>hiking and camping with my dog>one day his leg is all lame>take him to vet for blood test and X-ray to see if its broken or fractured someplace>dog has Lyme disease >vet thinks his lameness is from dog blowing out ACL since he failed a drawer test.>recommends I get him to ACL specialists>get mess for Lyme and within 2 days lameness is completely gone and he fine again>get an MRI just for giggles since I have dog insurance>specialists tells me the dogs knee is completely fine and vet has no idea that Lyme can cause lameness