>>2183447Actually happened to me when I was a first year counsellor at a summer camp
>last night of 4 day canoe trip with a group of 13/14 yr olds>gonna camp out at parking lot, ready to rock when the bus comes to pick us up in the morning>moving gear from put in to a site that's across the parking lot>kids crowded around truck and trailer looking into the drivers window>yell at kids to leave the truck alone and move their shit>they yell back something about a dead body in the truck>say i was just chatting to the guy a minute ago and he's probably just sleeping, leave him alone>co counsellor comes over and confirms he dead>go to see for myself>driver had a shot gun sitting in his lap resting in what used to be his mouth>top half of head completely gone, brains and skull all over the ceiling After calming the kids down we tried flagging down a passing car and explained we just found a dead guy, can we borrow your phone to call the cops. They laugh and say sorry we dont have a phone, but not to worry cause he's not going anywhere. End up running down to a cabin down the road and getting the police out there to clean things up
1/10 experience, I think I came out of it alright but I've talked to some of the kids who saw the body years after it happened and some of them say they're still a little fucked up about it