>wake up to tent rattling>shit, park ranger is waking us up>"you guys know you can't camp here, right?">"sorry officer, we got lost early this morning and just needed some shut eye">"Oh ok, just tear down your tents real quick and you guys are fine. Stay safe.">"Thank you kindly officer">tfw it's 8:30AM>notice friends car is on>ufukinw0tm8>walk over to see him drenched in sweat>open the door, it's a god damn sauna>wake and bake, grub up some breakfast>get set to head out>gas tank on the "empty" icon>coast down the entire canyon in neutral>truck runs out of gas>gas station only 1 mile away, not too bad>friend gets phonecall from his girlfriend, the doggo made it out just fineDrugs make everything so much more insane, it's really hard to describe all the shit that happened but it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.