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How to note your own innawood sheet:
Step one: water.
No water = you die.
One bottle = you need to find two water source every day. Only one a day will turn your life into a nightmare. One full day without a source and you die.
Two bottles or more = you can proceed to the next step.
The jerrycan of water count as two bottle. Bottles being full or empty at the start of your journey is of little importance.
Step two: water purification
There is no universal solution here.
If you are not in the mountain, just boiling or filtering the water in not enough.
Did you asked the forest service/rangers/others about filtering water? If yes, and if you packaged it, you can proceed. Otherwise, you won't last long.
Step three: food
Sugar bars and other junk does not count as meal. You need two consistent meal per day. Cans, jerky, soup, MRE are a meal. Potatoes count as 5 meals. Rice as 10. Breakfast and snacks will turn this survival hell into normal life. Fishing or hunting will allow you to last two time longer.
Having no food and hopping that the land will provide result in a quick death.
For anything that is not MRE or a can, you need a cooking device and a fire.
Calculate how many time you can stay in the wood and post it with your pic.
Step four: sleeping
You need something to protect you from the wind, the rain, the bugs and the cold.
Tent+sleeping bag/blanket/spareclothes or hammock+tarp+sleeping bag work just fine.
Sleeping on the ground with just a tarp is a bad idea and you won't survive in harsh condition like winter or hurricanes.
Step five: basic medical supply
This include bandages/wound dressing, disinfectant, water purification and nothing more.
Bandage and iodine drop are okay, small medikit too.
Not having that make you take unnecessary risks. The first wound (IE: you first encounter) will kill you or the unclean water will make you sick.
Now, you can discuss having a gun or a knife.