>>472475shit happens in life. mistakes are made. you learn from them. - that`s what makes you smarter than other people.
it`s funny know when i look about. even stupid. but, that`s life.
even though i`ve walked in woods on / off throughout life, i`ve not had propper experience of camping innawoods until just the other year.
i`ve been camping a few times.
i just found a simple metal container to make a fire inside.
i tested out my own DIY fire-starting kit, too and it worked great.
what may seem retarded to other`s is perfect entertainment to another.
some people quetsion my reason for going innawoods for a few days at a time.
but, i say it`s actually natural. we used to live in woods.
but, that`s just other insecurity.
i`ve learnt to do my own thing. be it camping. going to a protest march in London on my own. simply doing my own things to satify me. not you. (^^,)
when someone questions my actions. i simply reply: if everybody were the same we would be bored out of our minds and you woulsn`t be wearing the clothes. talking that language. being human. (^^,)
PHOTO: my DIY fire-starting kit