posted this on /adv/ but had no response.
>don't like working for someone>don't like businesses>don't like capitalism>starting to hate technology a lot>having an existential crisisam i turning schizophrenic? I know how the world works and everything is so fucked. I just want to run away to some beach or a small town/village, live there, grow all kinds of vegetables all year long, eat fish and be healthy.
i just can't be fucked to go to college, get a job, work for someone etc etc.
I also don't see myself as a bussiness man cause i never really cared about profit, money or innovation.
im just so lost and the more i know about the truth, the more schizophrenic i get. I want to be more connected with nature and just forget about modern soceity.
if you watch this vice documentary, i agree what this old man is saying but his living conditions aren't the greatest.