>>1711422 [2/2]
I know I sound like a schizo, but the point I'm trying to make is that if you want to be sustainable, hell if you dont want humanity to fail because of our current trajectory, you need to take the whole thing seriously. Reduce, reuse, recycle is a good start but you will need to invest a lot of time into growing food, collecting water (it falls from the sky for fucks sake, why the fuck do we keep piping lakes into socal??), and generating independent power (the technology has arrived) and then considering how you reduce other dependencies. One man aint gonna change shit when industry is so powerful and such a contributor to self-annihilation, and indirectly, our degeneracy and spiritual annihilation (conversation for another time), but a Man sticks to his guns and tightens his boots and does what he knows is right. And his example wakes other men so that they too might put down their Nintendo controllers and remove their chastity cages and become Men. The world will have to do their diplomacy and politics if we dont want to burn this marshmellow up, but none of that is worth shit unless from an individual level we once and for all kick the pipe dream of post-scarcity like a smoking habit and recognize our position in the world as wardens; taking some, planting some, maximising self-sufficiency, minimizing dependency. So go, right now, throw some your sweet potatoes and carrots into some jars of water to grow some more. By the time they're ready, you will have built your garden bed and made some compost. You can do this even in an apartment. Theres endless information out there. Good luck and God speed.