>>1425572>people aren’t as involved in their consumption as you seem to assume. people still buy carcinogenic products even though they’re aware that they’re carcinogenicand you think by having somebody else doing the thinking for the public that it will somehow cause the public to become better decision making beings? it won't, it will only make them more dependent on said entity. the rule with evolution is that if you don't use it you loose it and if you don't need it you will never develop it in the first place.
does welfare not breed more dependents?
when the government flies in and saves the day when a woman chooses a bad mate to have kids with and then can't take care of them when he leaves (even when they can't get child support they will still provide her resources). does it do anything at all to inspire or require any better decision making on the part of either the woman or the man?
little do you know that besides dependents you are also breeding a monster.