>>2426356>I am not interested in the opinions of anyone with anime images saved to their computer who negs someone trying to get into climbing. I don't like contributing OC to fantasy and roleplay threads, but if you insist, here you go
OP There's a big difference between:
>I saw some XTREME youtube videos once and now I'm PASSIONATE about climbing mountains. Spoonfeed me everything I've never even gone backpacking beforev.s.
>Here's the mountains our team has climbed, here's our experience with glacier traverse, what steps do I need to take to get to the next level?>inb4 why are you being so rudeOP you're some /fit/izen /k/tard type, obviously you've made that part of your identity.
Let's say some skinny kid who's never boxed before but has been doing pushups and chinups at home says he wants to go to the state championships for heavyweight boxing.
But he's never boxed before. Sure, he's not totally out of shape, but he has zero skills in that area at all.
Would you laugh at him for his goals for being unrealistic and tell him to aim for a lower, more realistic goal, or cheer him on in his delusions?
Mountaineering is not the same as lifting weights in a gym. For all we care you might be squeamish and scared of the cold or hte outdoors. After all, you did mention you're from california and have never gone backpacking before