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I finally caught my first fish on my Echo Lift!! And it was on an elk hair caddis I tied! This was my first time bringing my actual fly rod up to my little mountain creek. I had been just using my tenkara rod. But my brother in law stepped on and broke it on accident the last time I was up there. So I brought my real fly rod up there today. Wow! What a difference!! I could easily reach all the spots I could barely reach with the tenkara rod. And I could reach spots my tenkara rod couldn't dream of hitting. And it cast SO much better!! And since both rods are 9ft I already knew my casting limits. To top it all, I caught a king of the creek! 13in! I usually pull out 6-8in trout out of there. My biggest before this one was 10in and I thought surely that was the upper limit of this little creek. But there are apparently bigger ones in there!