>>1544895I engage in another activity that is likely to be ridiculed: I run barefoot.
>inb4 'you fell for the barefoot meme'A decade ago when I was getting into running to lose weight, my knees would ache and swell after two sessions. My doctor suggested barefoot running. I was skeptical, but tried it.
I started by running 50% of my shod distance to get my feet used to it. the only pain was from the cold floors (40F) and smacking the floor, but those pains were only temporary; in 30 minutes, they'd disappear.
My fitness improved and I could run 5-10-15 miles at a stretch. Mind you, I'm still on the heavy side (~190 lbs), so shoes are still a bad idea. barefoot has worked for me.
>what about glass and tacks?puncture wounds while barefoot running are so rare, I probably get a shard one a year. Also, the first one is the worst: after that you realize it's not that bad and you deal with it like you'd deal with any minor annoyance. I'd rather get a glass in my foot every week than suffer knee pains.
if you're really afraid of feeling the pavement, just buy God's Shoes and use those.
oh, and it was from barefoot running that I also adopted walking in sandals. before then, I used to look down on sandal-wearers, thinking them a bunch of hippy faggots or welfare mothers. it took a bit to get over that feeling of disgust and shame when wearing sandals, but on those long walks, sandals beat shoes because they too are closer to nature.