>>1278001Unless the cairn is deliberately leading someone the wrong way you're an autist.
>B-BUT MUH OVERABUNDANT CAIR-WRONG! If you're in a place where people have built enough cairns that they crowd the landscape you're not in the wilderness. Kicking cairns here is the equivalent of kicking sandcastles at a beach.
>B-BUT MUH HABITAT DISRUPTIO-WRONG AGAIN! The only organisms that could possibly have their environment disrupted by stacking rocks are lichens. Here's something else, the lichens are much more bothered by walking off trail, now remind me what are cairns often built to mark?
>B-BUT I KNOW BETT-WRONG YET AGAIN! Cairn kicking autists like yourself wreck intentionally constructed markers on alpine trains constantly, you fuckers don't even know what you're tearing down most of the time.
Prove me the fuck wrong.