>>838355 >batoning
:how about how the fuck am i going to get a big green log to actually start burning with a few shavings of whatever the shit you brought in your little tinderbox.. next.
>foldable shovelpretty useful to have with you esp because now you dont need to carry a FUCKING AXE to process wood.
>tactical gearListen to me, no matter what you wear some sperglord is going to flip their shit on a "Bangladeshi Kite testing forum" so just wear what you want and for the love of god stop soiling your pansy ass hankerchiefs over it.
>memeclothing See above.
>firesteelswow a way to make fire.. Cool, impress your friends!
>fruit leatherI s2g dont you dear talk shit about my dried camping snacks i will fucking kill you
>beef jerkyprefect thing to choke you with when i find out you're talking shit about my dried snacks.
>morasHURR DURR KNIFES ARE BAD AND STUPID WHY WOULD YOU BRING THAT LOLOL ITS SO CHEAP AND USELESS.. shut up just shut the fuck up and go outside for a day. Dont bring any of it fuck it, or bring it all and the kitchen sink....
You see, I learned something today. it doesnt matter if you are a tacticool spaceage operator or some out /fa/ fag who just wants to make other out /fa/fags judge you for your choice in brands. the point is GOING AND GETTING OUTSIDE FOR SHITS SAKE.... fuck im so tired of seeing all you elitist fucks bitching about what is the "better" way to do something that mankind has been doing for fucking ever....