>>2316927>"wake up" >still soaking wet and fatigued/hungry, but can move and its getting warmer>look across the river>ITS A FUCKING TRAIL>A GODDAMN TRAIL HOLY SHIT>we realize this and immediately start towards it >walk along it for about an hour until we see a road>immediately hop onto the road and start trying to hitch a ride>first guy who sees us stops and lets us in>looks at us for a second and goes, "what the fuck happened to you guys?">we tell him and he is just astonished and offers to give us a ride wherever we want>turns out we made it to within 3 miles of where we were trying to go, to my house in Aptos. >I looked the trip up on google maps and used a ruler and made some calculations>we walked over 40 miles from the mountains through Nisene Marks State Park and were actually following the creek that let out into the Ocean near my house>that absolute fucking madladAlex, if you're reading this, fuck you