>>1374214>in b4 nice blog faggotI know how you feel, I moved with my girl to our homestead dreamhouse using some of her inheritance after her mom died, 10 acres with mixed woods and pasture, got solar, a well, a small barn with some goats and chickens. It's awesome, we had plans to do so much here and have fun exploring the region and doing tons of outdoors shit, then she started having back pain out of nowhere. After a few months it got worse where she had general muscle pain, then it turned into skin pain and headaches, and constant fatigue, she just got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. At the same time I started getting a bad rash on my abdomen that didn't itch, then it spread to my arms, then legs and face, then my skin started to lesion up and I got bad fatigue too, went to the doctor and got diagnosed with a really bad autoimmune disease similar to lupus. Now my girlfriend is housebound and can barely walk most of the time and though my symptoms are cleared up for the most part, I have muscle and mental fatigue, and neither of us can work and our future is likely completely fucked now, and all I do is take care of her while watching her be tortured by the pain 24/7.
Why is life so unfair bros, I just want to enjoy my land with my girl and have a family.