>>2445834>Why outdoor industy is infested with polyurethane gear when its a known fact that hydrolysis will break it down sooner or later?because outdoor gear is designed for people who go outdoors not couch potato faggots like you, tubby tits. your boots will never rot in the lifespan of the boot if you wear them once in a while.
>Rain jackets delaminatingturns out the only good rain jacket material causes cancer and has a super high half life.
>The biggest losers of this scam are the weekend warriors and other people that dont use their gear that often. Buy once cry once right? Wrong. Your expensive gear will break down even faster when you are not even using it. Try to save some money and buy used gear? Tough luck buddy all old gear are already fuck'd or near getting fuck'd.a lot of things are a jewish scam but i don't think materials science is.