>>985213I don't have any book recommendations relating specifically to that, though a basic understanding of fungi will do the trick. The specifics of mycorrhizae are really only the concern of truffle growers and mycologists. For general knowledge required, and depending on your prior level of biology education (understanding of genetics and phylogeny) I would recommend "The Fungal Kingdom" as a very in depth book if you have the prior knowledge, and the book "Mycelium Running" as an easier to digest book.
Mycelium running especially well explains how mycelium behaves, how to manage it, and the role it plays in ecology and gardening.
Once you have a good idea of what mycelium actually is, and what a mycorrhizal relationship represents, the only part left is deciding which species you want to pair with your plants. Some fungi will produce you mushrooms, most will be invisible partners, and if you get really really good at it, you can achieve truffle or morel cultivation. (big bucks)
If you wanted to skip all the research, and triple the growth of your veggies (scientifically confirmed), learn to identify Pisolithus tinctorius, the dead mans foot. This fungus is literally a giant ball of spores, and if you crush it up and till it into your soil it is known for bonding with a huge variety of plants/shrubs/trees, whereas most mycorrhizal fungi are very specific about their hosts.