>>2220726Want me to be honest?
In the US things were just slipping in the wrong direction. I'm a Cali born anon, and I didn't have any issues with people of any background. Around the time I turned 18 (2010), and up until I left (2014) - I just couldn't enjoy living there anymore. I used to be 'left' leaning, in the sense that I liked national healthcare, wanted more worker rights - social capitalism.
On this underwater basket weaving forum - I'm not even white, since I'm /med/ genes. But in the US? California started really ramping up with dumb idealogies. They aren't left, or right wing. They're just nonsensical.
I started seeing stuff like this:
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/24/berkeley-protesters-form-human-chain-stop-white-st/ (when this happened I had already left, but it gets the point across)
Basically, it became unpleasant to say the least to be white, but not 6 ft + McChad genetics and super buff. All I saw was a sick society, a shitton of obese and mentally ill people, and way too many girls who overvalue themselves. If you live in the US, you know how it goes. Any girl who would actually be considered NOT overweight has dozens of guys slobbing after her online and IRL. I wasn't exactly lighting it up (yeah, I had a few gf's and some flings - but they were somewhat chubby, or fat, or totally childish).
My dad's family is typical English/German mix, he's a big dude. My mom is a Portuguese immigrant. I used to also have some kids say shit like 'you're not actually American' because my mom immigrated here from Europe ????. I had the same shit said to me a few times during some world cup games I watched in a bar in 2014 by some Cali rednecks. And sure, you brush it off, but you know that sentiment is there for a sizeable portion of the population.
I'll post some pictures from my /out/ings - nothing to do with story.