Not just shilling here, but I think these Strike King™ KVD™ Perfect Plastics™ Swimmin Shads™ might be my favorite of any little soft flukes I have tried. They cost a bit more than Zoom, but I think it's worth it. Walmart even has then but they are closer to $6/pk while Zooms cost half as much.
Anyway, the EWG hooks seem to sit in the groove just perfect and they swim well because of that. The plastic is slightly more firm than Zooms and those Gambler ones. But I think the best part is the size. They are larger than Zoom Super Fluke Jr's which may not get big bass moving, smaller than the full size Swimmin fluke which are pretty big for pond bass from shore, and quite a bit smaller than those big Gamblers I got.
>>785746I actually have posted pics with her face blocked out. But one pic had her chin in it and it caused a small uproar so I'm not trying to do that.