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Southeastern Brazil, near-but-not-near-enough-that-it-isn't-the-countryside from São Paulo. Almost half a million people in the city, actually, even though it still has a very woodsy feel to it, mostly because of what remains of the atlantic forest (that used to be bigger than, and in fact conjoined with, the amazon forest, but nowadays is just farmlands and urban areas. I'm guessing it was the biggest woodland devastation by humans ever, since it happened for centuries nonstop and kind of still happens). Nowadays there are some protected areas on the outskirts of my town, so they look somewhat like pic related.
Might be relevant to know for people interested, since that's a side from Br most people don't seem to know about even though there's ten times more people living in areas that look like that than in the fucking amazon up north (and when I say up north, I mean it's as far as NY is from Seattle or something like that).