>>662304Looking good!
If you need more stability you can add a "skirt" around the bottom of each shelf. This image shows wireframes of where each skirt board would go. The 1 red board in the back near the window, the 1 orange board in the foreground near the camera, and the 2 green ones on either side. What these do is to prevent sideways forces from simply folding it up. How far down they come on the legs is up to you. This will make very solid. You could even skip using the red one so more light gets in.
>2-3 hours is the theoretical maximum for my window.>0.5h/dayYeah, you need as much foil as you can get surrounding your stuff then. Consider adding some artificial light if you are able. Foil the tops/bottoms of the shelves to so they reflect light down and up. Ever see photos online of weed grows in small boxes? They are nothing but reflective surfaces.
You couldn't do that if they were getting full sun, it'd cook them in a minute.