>>2519463>>2519497>>2519756>muh off trail>off trail>hating trailsi see this sentiment constantly on this board. it seems really bizzare to me... then i think back to the times i've traveled abroad and how tame the outdoors was compared to the places i've lived (wa, or, cali, nw territories, mexico)
i think (sarcasm) maybe depending on region there might be a pretty big variance in what "off trail" entails... doesn't europe only have a single old growth forest left or am i mistaken?
there's a certain romance to going places barely anyone or no one's been, but anons, off trail pretty much means macheting your way through blackberry bushes the whole time at snail's pace getting completely torn up and having to throw all your gear away after the trip. ill do it but you gotta give me a good reason. off trail also sucks dick places where there's venomous snakes. there's reasons trails exist. they're older than humanity. even animals make and utilize them.
baka travel and get out more eurocucks. wild camp my balls toothless 4reigners.