>>1772387>I got some snapdragons too, but i think they might be a deep purple, but i'm realizing since blue is so rare i might end up with some purple flowers but it's fine.I have one more for you. Not totally blue, but purple. I think they're dead for the year in the wild. Muscari armeniacum, grape hyacinth, purple grape flower, whatever you or a store wants to call it. Some places CLAIM to have blue ones, but I've only ever seen them in pic related color IRL. They're all over Pennsylvania on back roads. Not sure if they're native, but they're all over the place. Grassy areas especially, right on the side of back roads in the woods (or edge of people's properties where someone previously planted them and let it spread). I love 'em, really neat flowers. Haven't seen them for a few days and mine's dead. Might be too late to find them, so buy one.