Thanks for the feedback guys.
>>1398468I'm growing them far away from any windows with a fairly strong LED grow light. So it should be the same temperature as the rest of my apartment, a pleasant 75 degrees Fahrenheit. These are Glacier tomatoes, which are supposed to be more cold tolerant as well.
>>1398488I think too much water/not enough drainage is a strong possibility. The potting mix is MiracleGro "Seed Starting Potting Mix". It worked great for starting the seeds (imagine that), and since I already had it I figured I'd just use it again when translating the tomato seedling to a bigger container. But maybe seed starting mixes don't have very good drainage compared to other potting mixes. I watered it like 5 days ago and the moisture meter is still showing "wet" in the lower areas of the container. If drainage is the issue, should I repot it in a different soil?
Also what do flipping, plinking and stumping mean?