>>2161382You lose when the majority of people are against your actions and are having to lie cheat and steal to make it seem like you are winning when literally the whole world is against you. The Chinese are cracking down on leftists in China now everyone knows what they are now and will start beat them back and hard. Everything the left does goes against nature itself and you can only go against nature so much before it severely bites you in the ass. Right now the left has pretty much 100% gone against nature and now it will start getting its ass severely beaten steadily fro here on out. The reality is they had won obama was a signal the left won but instead of taking the masculine route be humble understanding dignified they did the exact opposite and acted like the entitled cunts they always wanted to be. So many people had just said I don’t care what faggots do now they don’t bother me niggers can do nigger shit as long as they don’t bother me and if a female wants to act a certain way that’s her business. Not anymore though that’s changed now even normies are coming after them and instead of taking a step back and saying shit maybe we have been taking things to far and being insanely intolerant and privileged they double down. They thought people’s tolerance was weakness when now it was what it was tolerating people’s free choice within the best societies in human history. The Koran teaches that hell has more women than men in it because women act the worst towards those who do the most for them. Well hell is coming and I’m many different ways and the weak counts on the left are going to be the most negatively affected by it. The conservative minded people along with the money changes which are predominantly Jews will be the ones to come out on top. While everyone else will be pretty much fucked just the same stories we have had to deal with over and over again hopefully this time everyone learn their damn lesson.