>>2436672top-left is what we originally thought was the summit. This had blocked our view of the actual summit. There were a bunch of sheep up here, but pic doesn't really capture them. The summit, from where we were, was a few comfortable rolling hills away (picrel, see top-left), but we just had 1L of water so we turned back.
Now, we knew how we came up. We were not going to go back down that way, because the ascent was incredibly steep at the top and both prolly thinking "holy shit I do not want to go down this." See top-right for an idea of the top ascent. My brother found what seemed like a promising (idk term, see the red arrow 1 in pic). We slid on our ass down it until we came to a drop. Looking down, it was a corner, so you could push yourself against the right and the back. Now, this was like idk 12ft, but there was a nice rock in there such that when you fully extend without committing to dropping from sitting on it, you have about 5ft under feet. However! It's fucking steep, and slippery! With thorny plants at the bottom. My brother dropped his bag down (which nearly rolled off) and went first. Then, I got ready to drop. A gigantic rock somehow dislodged itself and rolled off the cliff from behind my bro. I got down safely. But really we could've died here. Then we said "fuck this one" and went to the bit on red arrow #2. We slid on our asses safely through the whole rest of that bit. (Sliding on our asses desu was pretty fun, fast, and as a bonus, doesn't require exertion!) Then, trudged through the wet poopy lower area.
I really did not enjoy walking around with wet feet (yet again), and my shoes got torn apart, so if I were to do this sorta thing again I think I'd want proper boots. Also I would not want to nearly die like this again.
Afterwards, bro meant to go back someplace, but overshot it n we hobo camped beside a road, then went home.
Bot-right pic is from the first hill in prev post, I guess after getting through a bunch of ferns lol.