>>1197718I love fighting amberjack, it is the most manly fishing I will ever do
>>1197768We use tenya styled jigheads here in Greece from say 50mtrs to abyssal depths (say to 250grms) if you have no problem with the currents and you can get it on the bottom you can get monsters. My anecdotal self experience is that tunas and amberjacks are just greedy and see prawns as a light snack that the can't help themselves from eating. Ofc I've read that in SE Asia they tend to arm them with king prawns when it comes to heavier jigheads so I guess it has a better presentation from my shitty Mediterranean prawn but who cares, kabura in general works very well here!
>>1197959Agreed my fav teqnique is the grecoitalian "tin guardian" (don't know the English name) you arm a live squid in heavy fluoro connected to your main line above a heavy tin weight that "guards" your leader by dragging on the sea floor. 0.5n miles to 2 trolling and always looking at the fish finder for structure, works like a charm! Pick related