>>1674394Listen here faggot, boys need spaces to develope as boys. Venture scouts was designed to resolve girls wanting to be scouts, in order to prevent to fucked situation we're in now. Secondly, it's not about badge hunting and I'm sorry if that was your experience. Boy Scouts has always been about developing boys into men, and that's hard to achieve when you have to consider the special interests and scenarios that arise by including girls in youth scouting. They need to reform girl scouts and not meddle with BSA. Also 16yos should not be involved with staff, and what my experience proves is that those relationships increase with the inclusion of girls. Thirdly, transgender children are such a minority that I don't understand why their needs should take precedence over the wellbeing of boys' development. Fourthly, girls have cooties. And it is for all of these reasons that what you wrote right there is wrong.