>>969264Without going into specific brands I'd first look at the layout. I assume that you want the thing to be as light and compact as possible while still be good for 2 people backpacking.
Since you won't be using this for extreme winter conditions you don't need a huge apsis, you just need to be able to have a sleeping compartment that fits two and room for your gear. There's the classic tunnel-tent where you have an elongated shape with a sleeping compartment and a shared apsis on front of that.
Then there's the one in pic related where there's two smaller apsis. I own the HubbaHubba NX myself which has the latter. I really like the fact that when using it two people we both have our own entrance and apsis to store our gear in. The down side with this small apsis is that there's only just enough room there to have a backpack lying in one end and have space for getting out/cooking in the other.