>>2697743Yeah, add 2 grams of weight near the front hook hangar and it’ll glide a lot more consistent. I either put a 2.5 or 1.8 gram grenade sinker to the front hook hangar and it’ll glide a shit ton better. Depends on water temp what weight. To glide it, remember
>reel pump>K9 will glide either left or right >slight reel bump>K9 will just move it heads the other direction >reel bump >K9 glides opposite direction Repeat. Throw in pauses every now and again or make twitch it in place with slight reel bumps.
>reel bump>glide>reel bump>glideDoing just normal reel bumps over and over will make it glide to ONE SIDE only. This is extremely important to learn. You can make it glide to where you want when you figure this out. Throw slightly off from a dock, keep gliding it to one side until it’s in position. Or, glide it under a dock, back out, back under, that’s been my most luck with glide mode or around cover in general.
Same thing with the TiK but instead 1.8, 1.2, and 0.8 gram grenade weights. Makes it suspend on the crank down and the easier to glide. Pic related how it looks.