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I understand what you are saying OP. But I don't agree at all.
A lot of buttmad euro's are triggered by your assertion and fixating on the practical extents of what you are saying. Like, if you NEED to cut down a tree to enjoy yourself that's kinda Nigger tier. But what your saying is that the mere ability, whether you choose to pursue it or not is an important indicator of just how wild the landscape is.
If freedom is a significant element of why you go /out/ then the ability to cut down a tree is a good benchmark. It probably indicates other related things like if you can forage, have a camp fire wherever you want, can shoot off guns, etc.
I totally disagree though that that's the ONLY metric as to if getting out in nature is valid/worth while or not. If I go to a natural area that has controls on it I can still see wildlife, observe natural systems, decompress from civilization (to a degree) and commune with God. There a lot of reasons to get out, freedom is an important one but your standards are to all-or-nothing. This stuff is on a gradient, don't be such an elitist fag.